(text in ENG, JPN)
Popocatepetl |
Last week we went for a short hiking at Popocatepetl. This time was mainly to find a route to the mountain, as my goal for this year is to climb...not Popocatepetl, as it is closed now, but the mountain next to it, Iztaccihuatl. (Popocatepetl is the 2nd highest mountain, while Iztaccihuatl is the 3rd in the country (5230m) - the highest mountain in Mexico is Mt.Orizaba, on the way to Veracruz)
The Popocatepetl-Iztaccihuatl area is a protected national park.
Iztaccihuatl on the way |
Both mountains can be well seen on the way to Puebla, and especially Popocatepetl looks beautiful - like Mt.Fuji: very sharp, very volcano-like. However, getting closer to the mountain, its dumps became clear, and somehow lost its "coolness". On the other hand, iztaccihuatl, that`s top look like a lying woman, seems very interesting as its shape changes from every angle. There is a road connecting these two mountains, the "Paseo de Cortez". This road goes through a nice forest, the only unfortunate thing is that the beautiful view is blocked by the pine trees. We took this road to Popocatepetl. On the way up, there was a mountain bike race, so we had to go very slow on the road, as the bikers came out to the paved road. And it turned out to be our luck, as we were going very slow, could enjoy the sight of Popocatepetl when suddenly my husband said: Look at that! I turned my head to the mountain, and in just that moment there was a big eruption on the mountain! I`ve seen Sakura-jima in Kyushu which is also an active volcano in Japan, but maybe because of the height of Popocatepetl, it was more spectecular.
The moment of eruption |
At Popocatapetl, the road is now closed, so you can only go until the foot of the mountain - where the registration office is located.
No comment... :) |
From the parking lot, if you look to the right, you see the smoking Popo, if you look to the left, you see the summit of Iztaccihuatl. After taking some pictures from the parking lot, we just strolled around in the nearby forest for a little bit and got back to the car. Of course, we took our dog, Zorro and of course he didn`t mind the height or the lack of air. He just run around and enjoyed the nice weather and (I guess) good smells of the forest.
The forest at the foot of the mountain |
For more pictures, click on the link! →Popocatepetl
ポポカテペトルと、イスタシフアトルの間をつないでいる、パセオ デ コルテスという道は大変美しい林道でした。残念なのは、大きな松の木が景色を塞いでしまっている事でしょうか。途中、マウンテンバイクのレースを開催していたので、ゆっくりと進まなければなりませんでしたが、それが幸いしてか、ポポカテペトルが噴火する瞬間を見る事が出来ました。以前鹿児島で桜島を見た事がありますが、大きさが違う事もあり、ポポカテペトルは更に壮大な感じがしました。