Thursday, August 8, 2013

Pie de la Cuesta - dog paradise

Pie de la Cuesta - beach
After a long break, we took another "adventure" - fed up with the cloudy and foggy rainy season, we took off earlier from work last Friday and headed to the sunny Acapulco. Or, to be more precise, to Pie de la Cuesta, which is on a narrow landstrip between the Pacific Ocean and a lagoon just about 20kms to the north from Acapulco.
While Acapulco is modern and nice and expensive and touristic, Pie de la Cuesta still has the "old" Mexican feeling: cheap, local natural beauty. The hotels around here are mainly family-run hotels, motels with simplicity but a warm heart. Our hotel (where we stayed now the 2nd time) is called Nuestra Casa Sai, a real pet friendly hotel. Although we were there first months ago, the owner and the waiters remembered us which was a heart-warming welcome. About our stay there, I can only speak in the best terms - the hotel is simple but clean and cute with its unique and handmade decoration, the staff is extremely helpful and kind, and what I most like there is the beach.
the road to the beach  - 50ms
Although the hotel is about 50ms from the beach, there is a nice area for the hotel with hammocks, tables and comfortable beds and the waiter even brings food and whatever you wish to the beach so you can just lay on the sun (or in the shadows - as you wish) all day long listening to the murmuring of the waves.
a happy dog
After we arrived in the evening on Friday, we headed right to the beach next morning - I don`t even have to mention that our dog was excited all day, especially that the hotel has rescued two puppies and our dog was playing with them all day long. As for us, we just laid on the beach, sometimes left for a walk in the sand with Zorro and otherwise watched the pelicans and frigate birds fishing and flying by.
Zorro and his new friend - after playtime
Another great thing in Pie de la Cuesta is the remoteness - as I said, it is very local and silent, walking on the beach you can see still many lands not developed or built-in. Which makes a beach feel like your own, as there are hardly any people there. For dog-owners, this is great, because we could leave Zorro running around, we didn`t have to worry to go to strangers or somebody would mind. Also, although the waves around here are relatively big, here there are no lifesavers to yell at you to come out of the water - if you want to go into the water, it is your responsibility and your fun.
beach walk with Zorro
After one day of full play, Zorro got so tired for Sunday that he could hardly walk. He no longer needed to be looked after as he just laid next to us all morning.

Before leaving on Sunday, we took a massage (also in the hotel) which was relaxing and great before the 5 hour drive home. Unfortunately, we left quite late (around 3pm) which meant that we got into a "Sunday rush hour" near Mexico City which took plus 1.5 hours for us. However, on the way home we saw a serious accident - a car caught on fire! It is not unusual to see broken cars with boiled water, flat tire etc. on the side of the highway in Mexico, but a car caught on fire was indeed a rare sight! Hope those inside the car were OK...
terrible sight on the way home

For more pictures, click on the link! → Pie de la Cuesta

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