Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ek Balam and Valladolid

  (text in ENG, JAP)

  On the way back from Rio Lagartos, we found a cenote+ruins on the way: Ek Balam. As we had a little time, we decided to go and see it. As it turned out, it is a ruin found and opened to the public only recently. In Ek Balam, you kill two birds with one stone, as there is a cenote (a sinkhole) where you can swim and refresh and a Mayan ruin to walk around and enjoy. Unfortunately, it was already too late to see both as the place closed at 5pm and we arrived around 4. So, we chose the cenote as for my parents-in-law it was the first time to see this unique sinkhole. Cenotes are linked to the huge meteroit that hit the Yucatan peninsula and resulted the extintion of the dinosaurs. They say, the cenotes were formed by the smaller spalls of this meteroit as they hit the limestone ground. As time passed, by the rain and groundwater, these holes were filled with water and the cenotes formed. In the Mayan times, this was the only fresh water source, so the Mayan usually built their cities close to a cenote. (That´s why you can find one in Chichen Itza, Uxmal or here, at Ek Balam.)
  At Ek Balam, the cenote was a bit remote - about 2kms from the ruins, so as we didn´t have much time, we rented a "bici-rikisha" that took us to the cenote within minutes. There was a small incident as the wheel of this "bici-rikisha" was broken and we had to wait for my parents-in-law to get another, but they arrived in a few minutes later. This "bici-rikisha" reminded me of a carriage as it was quite tough to sit on this bumpy road and I really started to appreciate the toughness of the people in the old days who took days and weeks in a carriage to go from A to B.
The "bici-rikisha"
   Anyway, the cenote was beautiful - it was an almost perfect round, with maybe 10 meters high walls and in the bottom the water was crystal clear in whichi many black fish was swimming. We didn´t go in to swim, but it seemed cool (even cold?). The roots and tendrils hanging to the cenote from the surrounding trees was also impressive! As we wanted to catch a glimpse of the Ek Balam ruins as well before it was closed, we just walked around and hurried back (with the same "bici-rikisha"). Unfortunately, we missed it, as it was already 5pm by the time we got back. It was a pity as later we heard that it is a very nice and still not "touristicated" ruin - you can climb up the pyramids and look around from above to the surrounding jungle.
cenote at Ek Balam

  After Ek Balam, we headed back to our hotel in Valladolid. As this was the last day we spent there, we walked around a little in the city. Our hotel was in the center, just near to the main square, Zocalo. The hotel itself was an hacienda, with a big inner garden and pool, and it had a very nice restaurant as well. The rooms were wide and nice. Plain, but nice. And the staff was very kind! We had both breakfast and dinner in the restaurant, and the kitchen was fantastic! Both days we had very nice Mexican food for very reasonable price. Anyway, as the hotel was very close, after dinner, we had a little walk around the main square. There is a nice, roman style church on one side of the Zocalo and the main square and the surrounding streets are full with souvenir sellers and shops, so it is nice even to windowshop. Finally, we not only windowshop, but bought some souvenirs and Mexican style clothes. It is much cheaper than any other tourist place, like Cancun or Chichen Itza.
The only thing I regret not to see in Valladolid is the cenote - yes, we just saw one in Ek Balam, but apperently there is one within the city! And as it turned out later, not any place: the cenote is a restaruant as well. (That is to say, there is a cenote in the basement of a restaurant.) Well, this is something not every city can be proud of! You can have a nice dinner and later just go down to take a swim!

For more pictures, click on the link here! → Valladolid
Our hotel in Valladolid




もっと写真を見たい方はこちらへクリックください。→ Valladolid

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Rio Lagartos and the flamingos

(text in HUN, ENG)
The tourist center in Rio Lagartos

  Tulumból kb. 1OO kilométernyire volt Valladolid, ahol a következő szállasunk volt. Már jócskán besötétedett, amikor megérkeztünk, ezért a vacsora után már csak aludni volt kedvünk. Már csak azért is, mert a követekző nap korán indultunk a flamingókat megnézni. A szállodában azt ajánlották, reggel menjünk, kb. 1O felé a legjobb. Mivel Rio Lagartos kb. 2 órányira van északra Valladolidtól, reggel korán keltünk, hogy 1O-re a tengerpartra érkezzünk.
  Rio Lagartos tulajdonképpen egy nagy lagúna, ami természetesen védett terület, ahol a flamingókon kívül rengeteg más madárral és krokodilokkal találkozhat az ember. A szállodásnak igaza, volt, reggel ahogy megérkeztünk a kis tengerparti városkába, még sehol sem volt nyoma a turistáknak, mi voltunk az elsők szinte. A "turistairodában" nagyon korrektek voltak az árak, egy csónakal a kb. 2 órás túra 9OO peso volt, ami 4 emberre számítva korrekt ár. Mivel senki más nem volt rajtunk kívül, rögtön indultunk is. A flamingók a lagúna belsejében fészkeltek, de az odáig tartó 3O-4O perc is érdekes volt: az első madarak, amik már a mólónál csoportosultak, a pelikánok voltak. Mexikóban őshonos a barna pelikán, de itt voltak sokkal nagyobb, orrszarvú pelikánok is, amik Kanadából repültek le idáig a telet eltölteni. A lagúnába érve, mindkét oldalról mangróvefák vettek körül, néha lekeskenyítve az utat, mintha folyón haladnánk, néha kiszélesedve, megmutatva, hogy a lagúna mégiscsak a tengerhez tartozik. A lagúna "bejáratánál" kormoránok fogadtak, ketten épp a védett örvezetet jelző tábla legjobb helyéért versengett.
fishing eagle eating a fish
 Egyre beljebb haldava találkoztunk két halászsassal. A túravezetőnk nagyon szorgalmas volt, hozott magával halat, hogy a madarakat megmozgassa - az egyik sas már evett, de a másik megpróbálta elkapni a vízbe dobott halat, de sajnos leejtette, mire a közelben sütkérező, szemfüles kormorán egy pillanat alatt elcsaklizta előle. Éredekes volt látni, hogy a halálszsas a hosszú, karmos lábaival fogja meg a halat, míg a fregattmadár (amikkel a későbbiekben találkoztunk) a csőrével szedi ki a halat a vízből. A fregattamadarak előtt viszont megláttuk az első krokodilunkat - egy kisebb, kb. kétméteres példány volt, és nagyon lusta, még a bedobott, már döglött hal sem kellett neki. A krokodilok egyébként nagyon félősek, érdekes volt látni így, a természetben, mert a dokumentumfilmekben mindig a vad részüket mutatják be. Itt viszont mind a három, amivel találkoztunk utunk során, csendben napozott, majd amikor a hajó már túl közel ment hozzájuk, szépen csendben elúsztak. A harmadik, amit visszafelé pillantott meg a hajósunk (nem tudom, hogyan, mert én még percekig nem láttam, hiába mutogattak (annyira jó ezeknek az állatoknak a kamoflázsa)), egy nagy, 3 méteres példány volt, és kaptunk tőle egy kis plusz szolgáltatást, mert lustán a hal felé úszott (bár a végén nem ette meg), alig egy méternyire megközelítve a hajót, így jól láthattuk a víz alatta a lábait és az egész testét. Nagyon kecsesen mozgott a vízben ez a tonnás állat!

frigate bird catching a fish
  A flamingók előtt találkoztunk még fregattmadarakkal is a lagúna egyik kiszélesedésénél. A lagúna sok helyen nagyon sekély, ezért, hogy a csónakok ne fenekeljenek meg, cölöpök jelzik a hajózható útvonalat. Ezeken a cölöpökön, mint verebek a dróton, ültek a fregattmadarak. Hatalmas, két méteres szárnyukat kiterjesztve buktak le a bedobott halak után, és amint mondtam, ők a sasokkal ellentétben, a csőrükkel próbálták elkapni a halakat. Nem lehet egyszerű feladat, mert többször is kiejtették, amit most a pelikánok szedtek fel - a ő 13 literes csőrükkel könnyebb felszedni, az biztos.
  A flamingókig már nem volt sok hátra, de a következő útszakasz lenyűgöző volt: a lagúna annyira kiszélesedett, hogy a partjait és a mangróve fákat nem lehetett látni. A víz sekély volt, de a csónak egyáltalán nem vert hullámokat, a verő napsütésben pedig nem lehetett megkülönböztetni, hogy hol ér véget a víz és hol kezdődik az ég - mintha egy szürreális álomban utaztunk volna!
surreal scenery on the lagoon
   Ezután az álombeli hely után végül eljutottunk a flamingókig! A flamingók is mintha nem is igaziak lennének, annyira gyönyörűek voltak a rikító rózsaszín tollukkal és kecses, hosszú lábaikkal!
Nekem kicsit csalódás volt, mert több ezer madarat képzeltem el, bár így is több száz biztosan volt a sekély lagúnában. A csónakból kiszállva, közelebb mentünk hozzájuk egy töltésen - a flamingók csoportokban (családokban talán?) voltak, 5-1O madár egy csoportban. Sajnos még nagy lencsével sem sikerült igazán közeli képeket csinálni, mert ezek a madarak még a krokodiloknál is szégynlősebbek voltak, és ahogy az ember megközelítette őket 2O-3O méterre, elszálltak. Gyönyörű volt azonban távolról is nézni őket, ahogy ezek a rózsaszín madarak tükröződnek a csendes vízben, az égszínkék éggel a háttérben.
the highlight of the day: the flamingos
floating on the Rose-pond
   Miután kigyönyörködtük magunkat a flamingókban, a túravezetőnk elvitt egy kisebb lagúnához, amit rózsaszín tónak neveztek, mert a vize barnás-pirosas volt. (A flamingók is, azt mondják, hogy az elfogyasztott agyatól és rákoktól nyerik a rózsaszín színüket, és itt az agyagnak tényleg volt egy kis vöröses beütése.) A tónak azonban nemcsak a színe volt érdekes, hanem a sótartalma is - annyira magas volt a sókoncentráció, hogy az ember úszott a vizen, mint a Holt-tengerben! Annyira új élmény volt, hogy nem győztünk nevetni a testünk tehetetlenségén a vizen! Még anyósék is élvezték, pedig először nagyon nem akarózott nekik bemenni a vízbe.
Mint kiderült, nem teljesen természetes ez a tó, a közeli sókitermelő gyár "vág le" ugyanis a lagúnából ilyen kis tavakat, hogy a sót kipárologtassa. Amíg viszont el nem párolog a víz, jó fürdőzőhely a turistáknak. A fürdőzés után kaptunk a túravezetőnktől iszapot, amit errefelé szépségmaszknak használnak: az iszap hófehér volt és finomabb, mint a homok! Nem tudom, mennyire használhat, de biztos, ami biztos bekentük magunkat. Így, az iszaptól fehéren szálltunk vissza a csónakba, amivel most már egyenesen mentünk vissza a kikötőhöz. (Azt az egy, nagy krokodilt leszámítva, amit útközben pillantott meg a vezetőnk.) A kikötőben lezuhanyoztunk, átöltöztünk majd egy közeli helyi étteremben megebédeltünk - természetesen, friss halat és más herkentyűket. Mi mást ehetne az ember a tengertől pár lépésnyire? A finom ebéd után még kicsit körbekocsikáztunk a környéken (felfedeztünk egy szép kis tengerpartot), majd indultunk vissza Valladolidba.

Még több képért kattints ide! → Rio Lagartos

the port in Rio Lagartos

  Valladolid, where are hotel was, is about 100kms from Tulum. It was already dark when we got there, so after taking a dinner in our cosy hotel, all we wanted was to sleep. Also, we had to get up early in the next morning as we were told that seeing the flamingos is the best in the morning.
So we got up early next day and headed to Rio Lagartos, which is about 2 hours to the north from Valladolid.
heading to the lagoon
  We arrived around 10 o`clock and indeed it was good to go early, as there were almost no tourists at that time. Rio Lagartos is a little port town, with a huge lagoon where the flamingos are. This lagoon is a protected area, so not only the flamingos but other birds (frigate birds, pelicans, cormorants etc) and even crocodiles find pieceful home here. As there were hardly nobody at this time there, we immediately found a boat that took us to the flamingos. The prices were reasonable (900 pesos for a boat with a 2 hour guide). So, we changed clothes and headed off the lagoon immediately. The flamingos were on the very further side of the lagoon, which took us about 30-40 minutes to arrive. However, on the way we encountered with many interesting animals and landscapes. The first birds we saw in the port were the pelicans - the brown pelicans are inhabited in this part of Mexico, but we saw other, bigger pelicans as well: these were Great White Pelicans from Canada, spendig the winter here, in the Mexican-bay.
Great White pelicans from Canada

 In the entrance of the lagoon, on a sign saying "Welcome to Rio Lagartos protected area etc" 3 cormorans welcomed us - two of them fighting for the best spot on the sign. A little bit further we saw two fishing eagles. Our guide was very kind, took fish with him to make these birds move - although one of them was already eating a fish, the other one flew down to catch the one our guide threw into the water. However, it slipped from his claws and a sly cormorant caught it immediately.
It was interesting to see, that these eagles catch the fish with their long legs (and big claws), while the frigate birds (that we saw later) take the birds by their beak.
cormorants sunbathing
   Further we encountered with our first crocodile - it was a smaller one, about 2 meters long. As these reptiles are cold-blooded, it was sunbathing on a tree, halfway out of the water. Our guide threw him (or her?) fish, but this crocodile was shy and clearly not hungry, as it didn`t take notice of the fish, just swam away as our boat went too close to him.
crocodile sunbathing

frigate bird on the pole looking for some fish
  The lagoon was sided with mangrooves, sometimes so close that the lagoons felt like a river, but sometimes widened up so much, we couldn`t see the shores. We found the frigate birds in part like the latter one: it was a wider part of the lagoon and as there are many shallow parts, the path for the boats were signed with poles in the middle. And these huge, black birds were sitting in these poles, one on each pole! Our guide of course, threw some fish to these birds, too, and they seemed more interested than the crocodiles, as they flew up to catch the fish. As I said, they catch it with their beaks, which seems quite difficult, as some fish slipped out of their beaks. These fish were then catched by the arriving pelicans, to whom it was easier to catch the fish with their huge beaks of a 13 liter volume.

  From this part, the lagoon widened up and as the water was shallow and completely still (even the boat didn`t stir it up), we found ourselves in a very surrealistic view: the horizon was almost indistinguishable and you couldn`t say where the water ends and where the sky starts. It was a beautiful view, just like in a dream!
surreal view on the lagoon
  This dream seemed to continue when we finally met these beautiful creatures, the flamingos! Although they were less then I expected, maybe a few hundred, still the view of these bright pink birds, with their long and graceful legs and necks, as their shape mirrored in the still water and the blue sky emphasized their pink was surreal!
the flamingos

  After taking enough photos and adoring these beautiful birds enough, our guide took us to a pond, called the "Pink-pond". It was indeed brownish-reddish, but the water was more interesting than its color. It turned out, this pond is like the Dead-sea, its salt concentration was so high that a person could easily float on the water! It was such an experience, even my parents-in-law enjoyed it, although in the first time they didn`t even want to enter. It turned out however, that this pond is not totally natural, as the nearby salt factory is "cutting off" small parts of the lagoon to make such pond in order to produce salt. However, until the salt is done, it is a fun place to swim (or rather float) for the tourists and the local people as well.
floating on the pond
 After floating in the pond, we headed straight back to the port. On the way, however, our guide spotted a crocodile, and we stopped to see it. It was huge! 3-4 meters, and it gave us a service of swimming close to us, so we could see well his whole body below the water. It was amazing how gracefully this ton-weighted animal swims in the water!
  Back at the port we took a lunch at the nearby local restaurant - of course, seafood! It was very delicious and very very cheap! After lunch we drove around the city a little bit (found a nice beach as well), and soon headed back to our hotel in Valladolid.
a secret beach in Rio Lagartos

For more pictures, click on this link!  → Rio Lagartos

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Letters from Yucatan - Cancun-Tulum

(text in JPN, HUN)
昨年コズメルのとあるホテルでオールインクルーシブを経験した。何件かのレストランで調理される料理はどれも美味で、しかも食べ放題ときている。 ホテル自体のレベルもなかなかで全体的に良い印象を持った。



Cancun - on the last day finally nice weather

  A koloniális városokból visszatérve, Zorrot leraktuk egy pet hotelben és másnap már a napsütéses Yucatan-félsziget felé vettük utunkat. Mivel a külföldiek többségének Mexikó=Cancun, 2 napot Cancunban töltöttünk. Cancun után autót béreltünk és nyugati irányban bejártuk a félszigetet, Tulum, Valladolid és Merida érintésével. Murphy törvénye szerint, az egyetlen nap, amikor pihenni és napozni szerettünk volna a tengerparton, volt a legrosszabb - egész nap felhős volt a ég, hűvös volt, este meg még elkezdett esni is az eső. Szóval, a nap nagy részét a szállodaszobában töltöttük a türkizkék tenger partja helyett... természetesen, a következő nap, amikor indultunk, kitisztult az ég és hétágra sütött a nap. Őszintén - biztosan az idő miatt is volt - de nekem nem igazán tetszett Cancun. A tenger persze gyönyörű, de nagyok a hullámok, igazán nem lehet a tengert élvezni, hacsak nem windsurföl az ember. A szállodák is hatalmasak, nem igazán van mit csinálni a szállodán kívül. Nekem sokkal jobban tetszett a Cancuntól délre levő tengerpartok, Playa del Carmen és Riviera Maya. Nem is beszélve a közeli szigetről, Cozumelről, amit a búvárok paradicsomának tekintenek.

At the pool in the hotel
  A szálloda, ahol megszálltunk egy all-inclusive hotel volt, ami (azt gondoltuk) kényelmes lesz, de sajnos nem így volt. Ez már az első napon kiderült vacsorakor: először egy közeli olasz étterembe mentünk volna, de kiderült, hogy foglalás kell ehhez az étteremhez. Mivel aznap érkeztünk, persze nem volt foglalásunk. Tehát mentünk tovább és találtunk egy "japán éttermet" - bár úgy nézett ki a piros dekorációival, mint egy kínai étterem. Végül kiderült, hogy egyik sem, mert az ételnek, amit felszolgáltak, köze sem volt sem a japánhoz, sem a kínaihoz. Jó egy órát (!) vártunk az ételre, és mire megjött, csak mereszgettük a szemünket: a lazacos sushin füstölt lazac volt (inkább egy piritósra rakták volna!), a sushi roll ehetetlen, a főétel pedig maroknyi, hogy még egy pintynek sem lett volna elég. Aznap annak ellenére, hogy all-inclusive hotelben szálltunk meg, korgó gyomorral mentünk aludni. A következő nap szerencsére találtunk egy büfét, ahol tűrhető volt az étel, úgyhogy azután végig ott ettünk.

  A rossz idő és a rossz ételek után autót kölcsönöztünk és Tulum felé (Cancuntól kb. 2 órányira délre) vettük utunkat. Tulumot tartják az egyik legszebb tengerpartnak Mexikóban, és nem is csoda - a homok természetesen itt is hófehér és a tenger türkizkék, mint mindenhol errefelé, de ami gyönyörűvé teszi Tulumot, az a maja erőd, ami erre a gyönyörű tengerpartra néz. Tulumban az ember egy legyet üt két csapásra: körbesétálhat a régi romok között, utána pdig felfrissülhet a Karib-tengerben, ahová lépcső vezet le a sziklákról, ahol a romok állnak.
Paradise beach
 Idén egy másik úton mentünk - a parkolónál levő információs pultnál javasoltak egy túrát, ami a Paradicsom-tengerpartól indul (pár kilométerre Tulumtól), hajóval kivisznek a korallzátonyhoz, ott lehet snorkelezni, majd a tengerről meg lehet nézni a tulumi romokat. A túrában benne van a belépőjegy a romokhoz, úgyhogy a snorkelezés után a romokat is meg lehet nézni. A fickó figyelmeztetett, hogy a romoknál az egyik tengerpart le van zárva, mert a tengeri teknősök épp tojást raknak ezen a részen. Ezért a tengerben biztosan sok teknőst fogunk látni.
Ez felvillanyozott bennünket, úgyhogy befizettünk erre a túrára. Amint leérünk a tengerpartra, 1O perc múlva már jött is a csónak és elindultunk snorkelezni. A korallzátony viszont nem olyan volt, amire számítottunk - sajnos sok korall elhalt, és nemhogy teknősök de még halak is alig voltak. A kb. fél órás snorkelezés után aztán a csónak elvitt a romok elé, ami szép látványt nyújtott a lemenő napban a tengerről. Bár teljesen más kilátás volt így, fölülről talán még szebbek a romok, a türkizkék tengerrel és a hófehér tengerparttal a háttérben.
  Sajnos arra már nem volt időnk, hogy a csónakázás után bemenjünk a romokhoz, mert délután 5-kor zárt, ezért a snorkelezés után indultunk Valladolidba, a szállásunkra.
Tulum from the sea

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Colonial cities - Queretaro, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato

 (text in ENG)

  My parents-in-law came for the holidays, so we spent the Christmas and New Year`s with traveling around Mexico. For Christmas, we went north to visit 3 colonial cities: Queretaro, San Miguel de Allende and Guanajuato.
  Queretaro is around 2.5-3 hours from Mexico City. On the way, we visited the Pena de Bernal, the 3rd tallest monolith in the world with its elevation of 350 meters. (The 1st is the Rock of Gibraltar (elevation 426m) and the 2nd is the Sugarloaf Mountain in Brazil (396m).) The rock is huge and old - it is thought that it was formed about 100 million years ago, in the Jurassic era, when it was about 3 times higher. Today it is the paradise of rock climbers.
In front of Pena Bernal, the 3rd tallest rock in the world
  As our final destination on this day was San Miguel de Allende, our "agenda" was tight, so we just took some pictures and headed to Queretaro. Queretaro is the capital city of the Queretaro state with approx. 800,000 habitants. The historical center was declared as a World Heritage in 1996. The city center is indeed nice, it was worth to take a tourist bus around it. However, the most famous part of the city must be the aqueduct - this nicely renovated and maintained aqueduct gives a spectacular view as it towers 3 meters high and stretches over a kilometer long in the middle of the avenue.

A cool object on the Plaza de Armas

Christmas feeling in San Miguel de Allende

  After this short sightseeing in Queretaro, we headed to San Miguel de Allende, our main destination. For me and my husband it was our second time in this charming city, but it was not boring at all. First of all, it was Christmas time, and the atmosphere was very nice - charming, colorful houses, the lit-up churches and streets gave a real Christmas feeling, not to mention the huge Christmas tree in front of the San Francisco Church at the main square.
San Miguel de Allende is a favorite spot for American citizens to settle down after retirement, probably because the weather is nice all year long (although the mornings were very cold in December (you need a stove and a warm jacket for outside, the temperature rises up to 20-25 degrees during the day, making the colorful houses more charming in the sparkling sunshine and the blue sky in the background) or because it is considered to be the city of arts - many artists (many sculptors, painters, designers, craftsmen) are living in the city. For this reason, the city is full with small souvenir shops, but most of these don`t sell the souvenirs you can buy at every market, but rather they sell unique and individual Mexican things, which turns even the window-shopping into an event. The other thing I like in this city are the small details you can have fun only by strolling around - there are bronze knockers on the doors in every shapes, from a mermaid to a horseshoe; or you can find small fountains almost in every street in different styles. All these little details added to the cobble streets, the colorful colonial style houses, the churches and green parks makes this city my most favorite in Mexico.
The little details I like: a spur shaped knocker
Zorro enjoying one of the many fountains in the city

  We stayed 2 days in San Miguel, and headed to another charming little city, Guanajuato. To me this city is my 2nd favorite - Guanajuato has its own charm with its subterranean streets and the amazing view from the nearby hillside. What I like Guanajuato is that as the city was built in a valley, it is small enough to walk around the city center without a rush. This was the 2nd time for us to visit Guanajuato as well, but again, we enjoyed it. This time we climbed up to the hillside where there is a big statue (and a lot of souvenir shops, of course), but the view is the one that is really worth to see.
Beautiful view to the city from the hilltop
  The churches, the university and the colorful houses in the valley give a beautiful, really Mexican view. I have to mention that there is a cable car to the hill (turns out it starts from the back of the Juarez Theater), but while looking for it, we finally climbed up to the top. However, took the cablecar to the way down - it is very very very steep! Dogs are not allowed, but for us they permitted it (if we took it in our arms), and our dog was so afraid of this cablecar! (I guess, it was the height...) I understood, why dogs are not allowed. Anyway, it only took a few minutes, so even a dog with acrophobia can survive it.) :)
The steep rail of the cable car
  The main highlight in these colonial cities are the hotels. You cannot find big chain business hotels, but the hotels are mainly family-run here. Most of these hotels are big houses renovated and changed into hotels. You can enjoy the Mexican hospitality, familiarness, colonial style decorations and design here. In all of these hotels we have stayed, I never felt like I was in a hotel, rather it felt like home. This time as we were with a dog, we didn´t have much option, but were lucky to find an exclusive, beautiful hotel where pets were as well welcomed. The hotel/house is located outside Guanajuato city, close to the Valenciana mine on the hillside, so the view was beautiful! Unfortunately, as we arrived we had problems with our booking (the online booking did not reach the hotel), but the staff was very nice and offered us (I guess) the best room in the hotel in a very good price. Actually, it was not a room, it was a full apartment with kitchen, 2 bedrooms and a big living room. It was a pity that we only stayed here one night! Zorro, our dog could enjoy the place as well as there was a small garden where he could play freely. So, the staff was very nice, the beds were comfortable, and we just couldn´t stop enjoying the many plates, vases, pictures and other objects on the walls and shelves collected from all around Mexico.

The hotel from outside

Zorro enjoying the garden
In the morning we had a very nice, big Mexican breakfast (freshly squeezed juice, fruits with joghurt and cereals and finally omelets (we were offered enchiladas, but we were already full).)
  After saying goodbye to this beautiful, charming hotel, on the way home we visited the church and the silver mine of Valenciana (actually the chuch was about 5 minutes by car from the hotel). As it was the 25th, we were the only visitors in the mine, so our guide (a former miner as turned out later) kindly spoke wery slowly and easily so I could translate mainly everything to my parents-in-law. The Valenciana mine was opened in the 1700´s and still functioning! Of course, the 400 people today are working differently as in the old days, when the daily mined 1 ton of stone were carried on a 60 meters long stairs in bags to the daylight where the women seperated the rock and usable stones by small hammers. These people were literally slaves as they didn´t get salary, they only worked for their food and clothes. Today 400 people works in this mine, but descending on a vertical elevation instead of the stairs. They also use wagons to carry the rocks and even trains between long distances. This is because in the surroundings, there are 4 other mines and all are connected in the lowest level. Silver, gold, copper and zinc can be still found in these mines which are separated chemically today. Did you know that 15% of the world´s silver production is done in Mexico? As "byproduct" different stones in every color of the rainbow comes from the rocks - even opal! Next to Australia (which produces 97% of the world´s opal supply) Mexico is the next most famous place of the opal industry. As the blue is the most famous in the Australian opal, the Mexican opal is the orange or red "fire opal". Opals and other stones and minerals (as itselves or cut into shapes, accessaries) can be found in the nearby shops at the exit of the mine. As you can really find any color you want, it is fun even only to look around in these shops.

Zorro, the miner dog - he didn´t mind the 60ms long stairs...
 For more pictures, click on the links below!
San Miguel de Allende