(Text in ENG, JAP)
Since we had Dia de muerto this week, we took a long(er) vacation to the Copper Canyon. First we planned to go to Cancun, but due to Hurricane Rina, we had to cancel our trip and changed all the plans in just one day to the Copper Canyon.
The Urique Canyon |
Copper Canyon is a part of the SMO (Sierra Madre Occidental), an extensive mountain range that spreads 1500kms long from the northwestern part of Mexico (Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango, Jalisco etc) till the southwest of the U.S (Arizona). This area was formed about 30 to 22 million years ago by volcanic activities. At that time, this area was full with volcano, with glens and riverbeds around them. When a volcano erupted, its ashes and lava accumulated in the surrounded riverbeds and valleys. Since the hardened lava was much stronger than the walls of the glens, by the million of years of erosion, the walls of the glens have disappeared leaving the sometimes 500ms high volcanic walls to be seen. Erosion by wind and rain deepened the river valleys to form the present shape of the canyons.
It is interesting that the name Copper Canyon was a misunderstanding. Actually, there are seven canyons in this area (Urique Canyon, Copper Canyon, Sinforosa Canyon, Batopilas Canyon, Candamena Canyon, Chinipas Canyon and Otero Canyon) and the deepest Urique Canyon (1880ms) was mistook by the Copper Canyon first, that`s why the naming.
Copper Canyon is said to be at least 7 times bigger than the Grand Canyon. Its extensive size is humiliating, but there are some differences that make Grand Canyon the "Queen of Canyons": although Copper Canyon is deeper and longer than the Grand Canyon, Grand Canyon is said to represent all the 40 geological ages that existed on this planet. (While Copper Canyon consists about 4 or 5 of them.) Also, while the most famous pictures of Grand Canyon are the ones with no vegetation, just plain rocks, most of the rocks in Copper Canyon are covered with forests. Either way, both canyons are (must be) amazing formations of our planet.
The train entering the forests |
But you must wonder how to enjoy this enormous size of canyon-chain. There is a train called Chepe (one of the few passenger trains in Mexico) that runs 653kms through the canyon from Chihuahua to Los Mochis. During the ride, there are 86 tunnels and 37 bridges that makes the ride astonishing. Even more astonishing that the train climbs up from the sea level Los Mochis to 2400ms (Divisadero) in 300kms just to decline again at the second half of the road until Chihuahua. Although the ticket is expensive (2200MXN for one way on the first class (which is highly recommended)), you can make 3 stops on the way if you are not satisfied with only the view from the train.
It is said that the best views are from Divisadero until El Fuerte, therefore many tourists start their trip from Los Mochis. However, since there was no direct flight from Mexico City to Los Mochis, we took the train from Chihuahua. There are only two trains a day (one starting from Chihuahua and one from Los Mochis), so we took an evening flight to reach the 6.am start next morning. I think it was better that we took the ride this way, because from Chihuahua there were only local people (some tourists but still Mexican), therefore we had no trouble with the window seats. (There are open windows at the end of the cars where you can take pictures and enjoy the wind.) We took the train all the way to El Fuerte (571kms) which took us 13 hours. I was a little bit worried if we would get bored in such a long ride, but after a few hours of sleep (while the train went out of the plain into the mountains), we just couldn`t get enough of the breathtaking view. The train 8 stops on the way, and at Divisadero (the highest point) it stops for 15-20 minutes to be able to get off and enjoy the amazing view of the deepest canyon, Canyon Urique. There are also local indians selling handcrafts and fast food (tacos, not hamburgers). But be resistant with the souvenirs: if you make a stopover, you will definitely find many shops and you can`t go to a tourist place without having indian children around you urging you to buy something.
The view from Divisadero |
So, we took the train until El Fuerte: it was already close to 8pm when we arrived, so we just checked in the hotel. Which turned out to be one of the towns tourist spots, because it was an old hacienda with beautiful inner gardens and a statue of Zorro. Yes, El Fuerte is the birthplace of Zorro! The other surprise was in the morning when we saw dozens of hummingbirds having breakfast at the entrance - there are special "cups" for hummingbirds sold in Mexico and these were hung from the treebranches. I`ve seen hummingbirds in Mexico City a couple of times, but never so many!!!
Me with Zorro |
El Fuerte by the way a small town where you might be able to spend a day or two. There is an old fort, the hacienda (our hotel) and the main square with the church that might be worth to see. Since we didn`t have much time, we just run through these in the morning and get on the train to go to Creel - another 5 hour ride.
Streetview in Creel |
Creel is one of the most popular tourist stops, since there are many trails from here going to the canyons and many other activities. We spent two nights here in a good atmospheric lodge hotel (the Best Western). Although we didn`t have reservation, October seems to be the low season (the best season is said to be August), so we had no problem with the rooms.
On the first day we took a car tour of the hotel, which took us to the most popular/famous spots - the tarahumara caves, the San Ignacio church, the Valley of Frog, the Valley of Mushrooms, the Elephant stone, Lake Arareco and Cascada Cusarare.
The cave-house |
The Tarahumara Caves: Creel has the biggest population of the Tarahumara indians, who came to this area about 400 years ago, running away from the Spanish conquerors. These people have preserved their traditions - their nomad lifestyle, their language, clothing... Many people still live without gas, water or electricity in their homes and some doesn`t even live in houses! We visited such a place, where the family lived in a cave(!). They had of course beds and table inside, it was just that instead of a house, they lived in a cave.
The San Ignacio church: a beautiful little church in the valley of frog, among where the tarahumara indians live. It is like a postcard as the stone built church stands out from the waste land, with nothing but the blue sky in the background.
The Valley and frog and mushrooms are named of the strange shaped rocks in the area. So is the Elephant stone which looks like an elephant from a certain angle.
The valley of frog |
The valley of mushrooms |
Lake Arareco: this horseshoe shaped lake surrounded by pine woods is just 5kms from the town and so a popular spot for tourists. The smell of the pine trees and the quite surroundings makes this place perfect for relaxing.
Cascada Cusarare: this waterfall is for further 4kms from Lake Arareco. The waterfall is 30meters high, but unfortunately since October is the dry season there was hardly any water in it. Even so, the height of the waterfall and the view was spectacular.
Cusarare waterfall - with my husband in the middle |
There are many waterfalls in the surroundings, and although the biggest is 3-4 hours car ride, it is worth to see: the waterfall is called Basaseachi, which is the tallest waterfall in North-America with its 245meters. There are also hot springs around this area (in Recohuata), but it is a one day trip from Creel. The water is 35-36C.
As we didn`t have much time to go to the hot springs and there was no much water in the waterfalls, we missed the last two attractions.
Instead, we took a 2 hours buggy ride to another waterfall and canyon and a 3 hours horseride to Lake Arareco. It was our first buggy tour, which was fun: going through small ponds and narrow trails... The horseride was much fun as well, we galloped on the plains, which gave us a good muscular pain on the next day. The horses did amazing on the rocks and small trails, it was definitely an experience of a lifetime!
(There are many more pictures if you click on the title above.)
コッパーキャニョンはSMO (Sierra Madre Occidental)という巨大な山脈の一部です。SMOはメキシコ北西(ソノラ、チワワ、ドゥランゴ、ハリスコなど)からアメリカ南西(アリゾナ)へと約1500kmに渡って広がっています。この地域は300~220万年前発生した火山活動によってできました。その当時、この地域は火山とその周りに峡谷や川がありました。火山が噴火した際、火山灰や溶岩は周りの川や峡谷を徐々に埋め始めました。固まった溶岩は周りの峡谷の壁より硬いため、何百万年の浸食の結果、500mの溶岩の壁ができました。さらに、雨と風の浸食で現在の渓谷の形ができあがったそうです。
現在のコッパーキャニョンは、実に7つの渓谷から成り立っています。それぞれは:Urique Canyon, Copper Canyon, Sinforosa Canyon, Batopilas Canyon, Candamena Canyon, Chinipas Canyon と Otero Canyon)。その中で最も深いのはUrique Canyon (1880ms)です。(最初Urique CanyonはCopper Canyonと間違えられたそうで、名称はCopper Canyonとなったそうです。)
切符は割と高い(ファーストクラスで片道で2200ペソ)ですが、3回乗り降りができます。もっとも美しい景色はDivisaderoからLos Mochisまでだと言われているので、多くの観光客はLos Mochisより電車に乗ります。私たちは、メキシコシティからの直行便がチワワまでしかなかったので、逆方向で電車に乗りましたが、そのおかげで観光客が少なく、写真を撮ることに問題ありませんでした。(各車両の終わりに景色を楽しむため開いている窓があります。)チワワとロスモチスそれぞれの終点から1日で1台の列車しかありません。それぞれの電車は朝6時に出発するので、土曜朝の電車に間に合わせる為、メキシコシティから金曜日の夜の飛行機に乗りました。チワワからまずエルフエルテまで行きました。(571キロで13時間かかりました。)最初は、13時間の長旅は退屈じゃないかと心配しましたが、チワワから数時間後列車が森の中に入ってから景色を眺めるだけで時間があっという間に経ちました。列車は最も高所にあるDivisaderoの駅に15~20分停車します。その間、電車を降りて、最も深いUriqueキャニョンの景色を楽しめます。現地人も手作りの手芸品をたくさん売っていますが、この辺ではほとんどどこでも手芸品が売っているので、お土産を買うチャンスは十分あるので、ご心配なく。