(text in ENG, JPN)
View from our hotel room - Lake Patzcuaro and Janitzio Island |
Last weekend after Uruapan and volcano Paricutin, we headed for Patzcuaro. Before checking in the hotel we drove around Lake Patzcuaro (there is a lake and a city named Patzcuaro). The lake is approx. 50kms long and 30kms wide, and there is a road taking a circle around it. Unfortunately, not always on the side of the lake, but there are some places from where the view to the lake is nice. I guess, one could go around in an hour by car, but there are so many small towns and villages and people selling beautiful handicrafts on the road, it is difficult not to stop by. So, we took our time with some stopovers.
First, we visited the ruins of Tzintzuntzan, about 15 minutes from Patzcuaro town. The ruins are believed to be the ancestors of the tarasca indians (the native people living in this area). The interesting thing in these ruins was that it is not pyramid shaped but round - these are callled the Yacatas, and are believed to have used as temples and graves. Also, they used flat, basaltic (? my guess) stones just piling up to built these Yacatas. This kind of stone can be found around this area, I saw pavements decorated in the same way in Patzcuaro town as well.
The round ruins of Tzintzuntzan |
Christmas ornaments on the market |
Our next step was just along the road (I don`t remember the town`s name) but there was a huge market (it was Sunday), so we had to stop to look around. Because of the lake and the big wetland area in the surroundings, this area is famous of its reed handicrafts. You can buy almost everything made of reed: baskets, furniture, toys, even Christmas ornaments (even in March!). Also this area is famous of its black painted pottery and as a copper mine is nearby, its copper ware as well. Also, we found many shops with rustic furniture made of pine. In this market, we found everything: furniture, pottery, copper and reed objects.
Market in Quiroga |
On the way to our next stop, Quiroga, we found a nice local restaurant where we had the specialty of this area: trout. My husband had it as soup, me fried. It was cheap, fresh and very very delicious!
Our next stop, Quiroga, felt like the whole city was a huge market. The guidebook says you can find every handicraft made in the state here, but we didn`t expect such a huge market. I`m sure it is also because it was Sunday, but we could hardly move with our car among the shops and people. Indeed there was everything there! Not to mention, that Quiroga was cheap. (We were looking for rocking chair: in Quiroga it was 370 pesos, the very same one in Patzcuaro was 780! Not if 780 pesos would not be cheap for a chair, but compared to 370...)
Our hotel |
I`m sure there were many more interesting towns on the way, but as it was getting late, we just headed back to Patzcuaro to our hotel. I have to mention our hotel (Porton del Cielo), because it was like a dream! The hotel`s name means Gate of the Sky/Heaven, and indeed it was! It was about 5 minutes from the city center on the hillside, so the view to the lake was breathtaking! Also, the hotel itself was like a gem, with rustic style furniture, carved doors, pillars and cute handicrafts from around the state. It was very Mexican yet cozy.
On the boat to Island Janitzio |
We were sad to leave our hotel next day, but we wanted to go around Patzcuaro city (we just checked in the hotel last day) and Island Janitzio, the most famous of the 3-4 islands on Lake Patzcuaro, before going back to Mexico City. The ferry was really a boat, taking about 30 minutes to take us to the island. Looking close, the lake is very muddy, but with many many waterbirds on it. Island Janitzio is so small, there are no cars, and I guess one could walk around in 20 minutes. Its biggest sightseeing spot is the huge monument of Morelos. So, we started to climb the stairs up to the Monument. On the way, the souvenir shops continue eternally. On the top, there is a small park around the monument. The view is nice enough from there as well, but also you can climb up in the monument. You climb up to the monument`s reached hand, so the end is really narrow. On the top, as the wind is very strong, there`s only a narrow window to look around. For me, the wind was too strong to enjoy it, but the view seems awesome later from the pictures.
View from Monument Morelos |
After Isla Janitzio, we walked around in Patzcuaro town. The main square, Plaza Vasco de Quiroga is very nice with many trees, benches, fountain and folk dancers. The houses around the square are all restaurants, hotels or souvenir shops. We had lunch in La Surtidora, a restaurant recommended by the hotel manager. The arrachera burger was amazing! Also, the hotel manager recommended "nieve de pasta", a milk based ice cream. So, after lunch, while eating ice cream, we took a stroll. Only walking around in the town without any goals is nice, the white houses with orange roofs give a good atmosphere. Also, the signboards on the houses are unified, with the same color and type of letter everywhere, which furthermore gives a charm to the town. There are many smaller squares around the main, Vasco de Quiroga square and between them are churches and markets. As Patzcuaro is on lakeside, there are many dried fish sold on the markets. The area`s delicacy is fried small fish. They sell them in plastic cups with lemon, as a fast snack.
Patzcuaro town |
(For more pics, click on the main title above!)
View from our hotel to Lake Patzcuaro |
The ruins of Tzintzuntzan |
Sunday market |
Making tortilla in a local restaurant |
A man going home from work - around Lake Patzcuaro |
ホテルは今まで泊ったホテルの中でも一番じゃないかぐらい完璧でした。ホテルの名前(Porton del Cielo)は天国への門という意味ですが、正にその通りでした。ホテルの位置は、センターから約5分間の所で、丘の上にあったので、まずパツクアロ湖への景色は素晴らしかったです。それに、ホテルのメキシカン田舎風の家具や全州から集められた民芸品で部屋がとても居心地良く、可愛らしかったです。
Isla Janitzio |
翌日は早くホテルを出て、メキシコシティに帰る前に周辺を見に行きました。まずはパツクアロ湖にあるハニツィオという島へ向いました。島へボートで約30分掛りました。ハニツィオ島は、どうしてこんな所に人が住んでいるかと不思議に思うほど小さい島です。 なお、小山みたいな形をしていますから、上から湖への景色がいいので、観光客に人気だそうです。天辺への道沿いの景色はお土産屋の軒並みでした。天辺に着いたら、きれいに整備された公園の真ん中に巨大な彫刻が待っていました。公園からでも周りの湖の景色が綺麗でしたが、彫刻の中から階段でさらに上へ上れます。彫刻の天辺には風が強く寒くて、場所も狭く、あまり居心地良くありませんでしたが、撮った写真を後で見たら、景色が奇麗で、当所そう思わなくても、結局上る価値があったと思います。
ハニツィオ島からパツクアロへ戻って、町の中をぶらぶらしました。まずはメイン広場のプラザ バスコ・デ・キロガへ行きました。広場にはキロガ氏の彫刻と噴水が飾られて、周りにベンチや並木があって、雰囲気のいい広場でした。周りの建物にレストランやホテル、お土産さんが多くあったので、ホテルの人に勧められたラ・スルティドラというレストランで昼ごはんを食べました。さすが現地人のお勧めで外れはなく、アラチェラ(牛のバラ肉)のハンバーガーが抜群に美味しかったです。更に勧められたのは「ニエヴェ・デ・パスタ」でした。ニエヴェはメキシコでヘラドの普通のアイスクリームに対して、シャーベットのようなアイスのことです。そして、パツクアロで「パスタ」という味もあるらしいです。名前と違い、イタリアのパスタの味ではなくて、練乳みたいの味していました。昼ご飯を食べてから、このニエヴェ・デ・パスタを食べながら、周辺をうろうろしました。町の雰囲気は素敵で、目的がなくてもぶらぶらするのは楽しかったです。家は全部白く塗られ、屋根はオレンジで、しかも、お店の看板まで同じ色や文字で統一されているので、とても素敵です。メイン広場以外にも2-3ヶ所に広場を見つけて、間に教会や市場が並んでいました。湖沿いの町ですから、市場ではたくさんの干し魚が売っていて、メキシコでの珍しい風景でした。
Dried fish on a market in Patzcuaro |
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