Saturday, April 27, 2013

Letter from...California (Yosemite National Park)

 (text in ENG, JPN)
tunnel view

  After the Sequoia National Park, we arrived to Oakhurst in the evening. Oakhurst is about 70kms from Yosemite Park - as our Japanese guidebook wrote "Oakhurst is the gate city to the park", I meant it literally, so I was quite surprised when the next day it turned out that we had to drive one more hour. Which turned out to be about 2 hours, as the Valley is another 50kms from the entrance, and the speed limit is like 1km/h. Which, surprisingly the Americans keep! I´ve never seen even in Japan that somebody would keep the speed limit or the regulations of the signs as in the US! For example, there are stop signs in every direction at the entrance (as there is a T-cross road) and despite nobody was even near to the crossing, the Americans stop (not "slow down", but STOP) at the sign! Anyway, it was my second time in the States, and I was surprised how much the Americans obey everything that is told to them. The only keyword is: LAW. Like, as we were stopping at a gas station, I went to the toilet and saw the next sign: "the employees must wash their hands before returning to their workplace due to STATE LAW". Not because it is disgusting not washing hands, not because it is not hygienic serving food without washing hands, no! Because the law says so and end of story. Don´t ask "why", don´t ask for reason, it is the law, and everything is explained.

Bridalveil fall
  Anyway, going back to Yosemite. So, after about an hour from Oakhurst, we finally arrived to Yosemite Park. In about an hour more (about 50kms) we finally came through a tunnel, which was really the entrance of the park as a beautiful view waited for us there: the tunnel view. From here, you can see every spectacular that the park is famous for - the waterfalls, the Half Dome rock, the woods and the huge granite walls. The view from here is indeed like a picture - like something that you would see in a Disney movie. With our tensions high, went further to the Valley, which is the starting point of every trail. (Just like Rome used to be.) On the way we stopped to see the Bridalveil fall, which we could see from the tunnel view. On the way back to the car, on the other side of the valley, we found another (smaller) waterfall, the Horsetail fall.

  We decided to rent a bicycle on the first day to explore the Valley - the valley is not too big, about 8 kms in length and resides the camp grounds, hotels, restaurants etc. As this place is literally a valley, everywhere you look, you can see tall granite walls - and waterfalls. The biggest (although split into 3 falls) is the Yosemite waterfall with its over 700ms height.

  So, after parking our car and found the bike rental place, started our little tour around the valley - there are special bike roads, which were sometimes hard to follow, but after getting lost a few times, we found the main route around the valley. We had one goal on that day: the Mirror Lake which is on the eastern side of the valley. (We departed from the western part.) On the way to Mirror Lake, we saw woodpeckers and deers - despite of the many many many warnings around, there was not even a sign of a bear, although it must be the success of the rangers who successfully taught people not to throw trash that would seduce the bears to come near to the people. At Mirror Lake, we had to leave our bikes and climbed a few kms to reach the Lake. It is called Mirror Lake, because the mountain raining high behind is reflected perfectly in the shallow water. By the time we arrived to Mirror Lake, it was already past noon, so wem took our little sandwiches and had lunch at the lakeside.
Mirror Lake

  At Mirror Lake, we were half way on the bike route around the valley, so after getting back to our bikes, we headed back to the rental bike place. We were lucky that it was only the very last few kms where the rain caught us. I had a rain jacket so rushed back by bike, while my husband ran to the car and took back the bike by car. By the time we returned our bikes and left the park (around 3pm), it started to rain heavily, so we were lucky to return the bikes in time.

deer resting in the middle of the valley
The other luck we had that day was a coyote - on the way back to Oakhurst (but still within the national park range), after a curve we suddenly saw 4-5 cars parking by the road. Wondering why they would park in such a place, we saw this coyote just on the side of the road! Of course, we pulled over and got out to take some pictures! The coyote was bigger than I thought (about a size of a wolf) with a beautiful thick tail and big, fox-like ears. It just looked at us as we were looking at it. I guess both parties were thinking the same: what is he/she doing here? A human must have been just as strange to the coyote as the coyote was to us.
coyote in Yosemite park

  The next day first we visited the Sequoia Groves in Yosemite Park. The grove is on the opposite direction from the valley, about 20 minutes drive from the park`s entrance. Although we were just in the Sequoia National Park a few days ago, it was amazing to see these giants again. As on this day our main goal was hiking, we took only a short trail to walk around in the grove - the highlights of this trail were: the logs, the three graces and the bachelor, the giant grizzly and the California tunnel.
California Tunnel
First, there were 4-5 logs along the trail, most of them pitch-black from mountain fires. But as these trees are very resistant to fire, they get black but they don`t burn, so these logs looked like huge (5-6m in diameter) charcoals. The 3 graces and the bachelor is a group of trees where a huge tree (the bachelor) stands right next to 3 smaller ones (the graces). As these trees need a lot of space for their roots, it is quite rare to see these giants so close to each other. The giant grizzly was the most remarkable for me - it might not have been as huge as the General Sherman in the Sequoia National Park, but this tree had huge (about 2ms in diameter) branches which reminded me of the tree in Avatar. The final spectacular on this trail was the California tunnel - this tunnel is carved into the living tree! In old pictures you can see cars passing through this tunnel, but today is only for hikers.
 After the Sequoia Grove we headed to the valley for our main goal in Yosemite: the hiking. We selected the "mist trail" which is about 13kms and climbs up from 1200ms to 1800. Mist trail is called so because the trail goes along the Merced river with two waterfalls on the way. The first, Vernal fall is so close to the trail that you can get really wet unless you bring some raincoat. The Vernal fall is the smaller of the two falls along this trail, but has a spectacular view as the water falls down straight from the perpendicular granite walls. There is a nice resting spot on the top of this fall where we took a small snack - while we were resting, saw the "blue bird of happyness". I don`t know the real name of this bird, but it was bright blue with a black crest.
the blue bird

Vernal fall
beautiful view from the top of Nevada fall
 After our snack followed the trail further - the river before the Vernal fall is very interesting: there is no riverbed as the river flows here through the granite base of the mountain so it spreads along though still keeps together like a river. As the granite is grayish, the river here glistens in silver color in the sunshine. No wonder this part is called "silver apron". After this part came the steepest part of the trail. After a short walk in the woods, the trail returned to the river and went up in zigzag to the top of the granite mountain. The top of the Nevada fall was beautiful with a great view to the whole valley and the surrounding mountains. After taking our lunch on the top, we wanted to take the so called John Muir trail back but it was closed for the winter (March is still winter in Yosemite - there were still traces of snow on the ground.) Unfortunately, we just missed the horseback riding season as well - it starts in April. We also missed the season of the Half-Dome: apparently you can climb on the Half Dome (the other symbol of Yosemite next to the Yosemite fall) only in the summer season. Not to mention that the number of people per day is limited so you have to register in order to climb the semi-spherical rock.

Nevada fall
For more pictures click on the link! →Sequoia and Yosemite

Yosemite fall
セコイア公園を出発し、夕方にはオークハーストへ到着しました。この街はヨセミテ公園から70km程の場所にあります。地球の歩き方にオークハーストはヨ セミテの入り口と書いてあり、文字通りそうなのかなと想像していたので、ヨセミテ公園の入り口まで更に20kmも移動するなんて思いもよりませんでした。 ヨセミテと言えば谷の景色が有名で、目的地はこの谷になるのですが、ここに到着するには入り口から更に50km。道がくねくねしていて、更にアメリカ人は 法定速度をきちんと守るので、実際の到着まで一時間以上かかりました。余談ですが今回の旅で驚いたのは、アメリカ人が本当に交通法規をしっかり守る事で す。例えば誰もいないT字路の入り口に止まれ線があった場合、日本では警察の気配がなければ、だいたいみんな徐行するか、止まるふりをすると思います。驚 く事にアメリカでは線の手前で、例外なくみんな止まるんです。自由の国なだけに、有無を言わさず法律を順守させないと成立しないんでしょうか。逆に法律を 守って人に迷惑をかけていなければ何をしていても問題ないというとも言うんでしょうかね。例えば、ガソリンスタンドでトイレに行ったところ、「従業員は持 ち場に戻る前に手を洗う事。これは州法で定められている」という張り紙を見ました。手を洗わなければ気持ちが悪いからとか、衛生上まずいから手を洗わなく てはいけないのではなく、アメリカでは法律で決まっているから手を洗わなければならないんです。理由は聞いてはいけないような、法律の大きな存在感を感じ ます。

Horsetail fall
さて、入り口から1時間強。ようやくヨセミテの谷へ到着しました。 谷に入るちょうど手前にトンネルがあり、そのトンネルを抜けると、見晴らし台があり、そこには本当に素晴らしい景色が広がっていました。ここからは、ヨセ ミテを有名にしている滝やハーフドーム、聳え立つ壁や木々等、ヨセミテの全ての壮大な景色を眺める事が出来ます。ここからの景色は正にディズニーアニメで 出てくる理想の場所のようです。そんな景色を見てテンションが高くなった所で、谷へ移動しました。谷はすべてのトレイルの起点になっています。途中ブライ ダルベール滝へ寄りました。風が吹くと正に花嫁のベールがふわっとなるかのように、水がなびきます。谷の反対側にはホーステイ ル滝があり。これもまた文字通りです。
  私達はヨセミテ初日という事もあり、自転車を借りて谷を探検する事にしました。谷は東西に約8km程の長さ、道に沿ってキャンプやレストラン、ホテルが何 件かあります。文字通り谷なので、周囲の景色は直角に切り立った壁と、滝で構成されています。一番大きな滝はヨセミテ滝で、高低差700mもあるそうです (3段階に分けて落ちる)。

車を駐車して、自転車を借りると、さっそくツアーを開始しました。目的の一つは谷の東の端にあるミラーレイクへ行く事でした。行く途中、キツツキや鹿をみ ました。熊出没注意みたいな看板がたくさんありましたが、全く出る気配もありませんでした。レンジャーの方々の指導により、観光客がゴミを捨てたり、車に 食べ物を放置しない事が、熊を寄せ付けない事に成功しているのかもしれません。ミラーレイク周辺に到着すると自転車を降り、更に1kmぐらい進みます。ミ ラーレイクも文字通りの湖で、流れやさざ波が立たないので、山の景色が湖面に反射して完全に鏡になっています。既に正午を過ぎていたので、ここでサンド イッチを食べる事にしました。
Mirror Lake

ミラーレイクを後にして、自転車で谷の方へ戻る事にしました。残念な事に雨が降ってきてしまったので、私は自転車でレンタルショップへ直行し、旦那は駐車 場に車を取りに行きました。まだ午後3時頃でしたが雨がひどくなってきたので、自転車を返却してオークハーストへ帰る事にしました。
帰る途中、幸運な事がありました。カーブを何個か曲がった先に、車が何台か止まっていたので、なんだろうと近づいてみた所、 なんとコヨーテがいたんです。私達も勿論車を止めて、写真を撮りました。コヨーテは私が想像したより大きく、狼と同じぐらいの大きさでした。太くて美しい 尻尾を生やし、キツネのような耳をしています。私達が視線を送ると、コヨーテも視線を返してきます。お互い何をしてるんだろうと思っていたんだと思いま す。人間にとってコヨーテが珍しいように、コヨーテにとって人間は珍しいでしょう。
Coyote waiting to cross

最初に見たのは、黒こげの巨大丸太でした。しかし黒こげとは言っても、これら木々は火にとても強いので、黒く焼けているように見えるのは表面だけで、実際には焼けていません。これら丸太は、私には直径6メートルの炭のようにに見えました。次にあったのは、3 graces and the bachelorと呼ばれる木々で、一番大きな木(バチェラー)の隣に3本の一周り小さい木々(グレース)が立っています。これら巨木は周囲に根を張る為のスペースを多く必要とするはずなので、こんなに密集しているのは珍しいのかもしれません。ジャイアントグリズリーは私にとって一番強烈な印象でした。セコイア国立公園にある世界一大きいと言われるジェネラルシャーマンよりも、実寸は小さいそうですが、この木にはとても太い幹が生えていて、なんと直径2メートルもあるそうで、まるでアバターに出てくる木のようです。最後に強烈だったのが、カリフォルニアトンネルと呼ばれる木で、生きている巨木の根元をくりぬいて、小型車ぐらいだったら通れそうな程の大きさのトンネルにしています。

 セコイア林を後に、 本日のメインイベントであるハイキングをするために、谷の方へ向いました。私達はミストトレイルを選択しました。このトレイルは13km程の道のりで、高低差1200m~1800m程の規模です。マーセ川に沿って、途中2つの滝を見る事が出来ます。最初のバーナル滝はトレイルに非常に近く、レインコートでも持ってこない限り、歩くだけでびしょ濡れなります。この滝は、もうひとつのものより小さいですが、いかにも滝らしく、壁に沿って直角に落ちるので、壮大な景観を提供します。この滝の頂上には、非常に眺めの良い休憩スペースがあり、私達はそこでスナックにしました。休憩中、幸せの青い鳥を見ました。本当の名前は知りませんが、この青い鳥は、艶のある青で、黒いとさかをしています。


更に写真を見たい方はこのリンクをクリックしてください! →Sequoia and Yosemite

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