Monday, January 9, 2012


 (Text in ENG, JPN)
On the ferry in Playa del Carmen

  So, we took the ferry from Playa del Carmen to Cozumel to stay there for the rest of the week. Cozumel is the biggest island in Mexico, and takes about 40 minutes by ferry. The island is a stop for many international cruise ships, therefore the city (San Miguel) is neat and nice, the main street is full with brand and duty free shops, restaurants and bars. Of course, everybody speaks English, the prices are in US dollars... doesn`t feel like in Mexico at all! The Caribbean is of course beautiful, and it was over 25 degrees even at the end of December. (For me it sounded not so hot, but due to the humidity, it was indeed hot.)
  We spent 5 nights in two hotels - one (a cheaper one) called Coral Princess (nice, neat, huge room and breakfast included) for the diving days and another (all inclusive hotel, called Sabor) for the resting days.

  As the transportation (taxi) is quite expensive (well, compared to Mexico City), and uncomfortable to wait for taxis all the time, we rented a scooter for our stay. It was perfect, as the breeze on the scooter is refreshing and the island is small enough to have fun on the scooter. There is one main road around the island, most of it goes along the seaside, giving a spectacular view. Only the southern part of the island can be driven, the northern part is dirt road. It is said, it`s about 1.5 hours to drive around the southern part of the island - however, we managed only the western side of it, finally having so much to do. On the first day, we were planning to go around the island, but as we stopped at Punta Sur (the most southern part of the island), we stuck there all day.

View at Punta Sur
  Punta Sur is something like an national park - you pay an entrance fee and go around a beautiful park with lagoons, crocodiles, a lighthouse, navigation museum and a beach. The "park" is too big to walk around, so we took the scooter. We got a map with the "sightseeing points" and there are also volunteers around to answer your questions or show you around. First we went to see a lagoon where crocodiles can be seen. There are small islands in the middle of the lagoon where we saw many birds as well. The view to the Caribbean and the lighthouse was amazing from the look-out tower... Our next stop was at the lighthouse, where there was a navigation museum, some hammocks to rest and some small shops to spend money. As we walked out a small convenient shop with some water and bananas for lunch, a small visitor came: a coati. It turns out, there are coatis on this island as well. It is said, that the mayas brought them here as their pets. This coati was very friendly as well (seemed to have in a "friendship" with the shop owers who were playing domino outside the shop), and immediately received the banana I gave him. After eating a whole banana, took a tortilla from the shop owners and took off. He was soooo cute! Leaving the coati and the lighthouse behind, we headed for our last stop, to the beach - there we rented fins and went to snorkel. Maybe we were looking on the wrong place, but there was not much to see, unfortunately - a barracuda, some trigger fish, queen angel fish and Florida fighting conches (those big clams, whose seashells are sold at such seaside resorts). But the sea was warm and amazingly transparent, so we had a good time. When we came out, it was just time to catch the last ship leaving to go around the lagoon (it was included in the entrance fee). Although the water of the lagoon was brownish, it was still transparent, so we could see to the bottom. In the lagoons (there are two) wild crocodiles are living, and we had the opportunity to see 3 of them. Lucky, we were on the boat - I wouldn`t want to meet them in the water, they seemed awfully powerful even by swimming slowly and calmly in the water. One word in a hundred, Punta Sur was an amazing experience, with all the Cozumel "ingredients": sunshine and sea.
The entrance of Chankanaab
  The next day we went to Chankanaab, another (but more "artificial") park - this park is only 5 minutes from the international port, so (I guess) it is mainly for the travelers from the cruise ships. Chankanaab is a "small Mexico" - next to the beach, diving and snorkeling possibilities, swimming with dolphins or manatees and sea lion shows, there is a jungle part with mayan ruins (well, replicas) and exotic plants. We saw the sea lion show and went to snorkeling - at that time we thought it was great, but to be honest, only for snorkeling it wasn`t worth the money (we just had such a great snorkeling in front of our hotel). The best part however, were the sculptures and cannons on the bottom of the sea. Also, there was a "manatee/dolphin" exhibition, which meant they showed us around in the dolphin pools, so we could see the dolphins closely.

Pelicans at the hotel beach
  We spent the next two days diving and resting in the all-inclusive hotel. The hotel upgraded our room to a junior suite, therefore our stay started well! The hotel was huge with 3 sections (an adult section, a family section and a VIP section), 3 swimming pools and a long-long beach. The hotel was all inclusive and/but the food was surprisingly delicious. Not only the food and drinks were all inclusive, but all the non-motorized water sports as well - snorkeling sets, kayaks and small (plastic) yachts. So, we took a kayak one day and headed snorkeling the other. My husband was a little sceptic about snorkeling so close to the shore, and so he missed a big ray swimming just about a few meters from the shore. Other than that, there were many fish and corals/sponges to see - as the beach was long, we snorkeled oven an hour. The other time, we just laid on the beach and watched the pelicans to fish - there were thousands of small fish in the shallows which the pelicans hunted all day.

  It was hard to leave this beautiful island after five days - there were still the eastern side of the island with huge rocks, waves or sandy beaches, the northern "wild" side of the island and the mayan ruins in the middle of the island to see...

(For more pictures, just click on the main title above!)

Beach at Punta Sur



一日目にさっそくスクーターに乗って島を一周する予定でした。しかし、途中でPunta Sur(島の最南端の所)に立ち寄った所、最終的に一日をそこで過ごすことになりました。Punta Surは国立公園のような場所で、入園料を払い巨大な公園を巡ることができます。(公園は、スクーターや車でないと回れないほどの大きさです。)入り口で地図ももらい、それをもってラグーナや灯台、ビーチなどの「名所」にたどり着くことができます。
Crocodile Zone
Coati in Cozumel

  次に灯台に向かいました。灯台の所に小さな航海史博物館やお土産屋さんもありました。とあるお店でランチ用のジュースとバナナを買って、出たところ、思いがけぬビジターに出逢いました。そのビジターは一匹のハナグマでした。 後で知りましたが、マヤ人がコスメルに移った時に、ハナグマをペットとして連れてきたそうで、その後、コスメルのハナグマは単独の亜種に進化したそうです。



Crocodile during boat trip
Punta Surはスクーターを借りた現地の店員に勧められましたが、さすがに現地の人はコスメルの良い場所を良く知っている、と思いました。

Jesus sculpture at Chankanaab


Returning to Playa del Carmen


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